Frequently Asked Questions

What is "flow funding"?

How did flow funding begin?

Who have been "flow funders"?

What is a "flow fund circle holder"?

Can I apply to be a flow funder or receive flow funds?

How can I become a "flow fund initiator" and start my own flow fund?

What is the purpose of this web site?

Do "flow funders" receive a salary?

What kind of projects receive flow funds?

How is flow funding different from "regranting"?

Can FFC members use FFC funds to support their projects, their family, or pay for their travel expenses?

What is the average size gift made by a flow funder?


What is "flow funding"?

Flow funding is an exploratory form of philanthropy that encourages visionaries to discover and fund people and projects that inspire them. The process of flow funding is valued as much as the projects funded.


How did flow funding begin?

Flow funding sprung up from the ashes of my philanthropic burn out. Please read my story in The Flow Fund Circle section of this web site.


Who have been "flow funders"? 

The first visionaries that I chose to be flow funders I had supported previously for three years and had developed great respect and admiration for them. In the past ten years, many of the flow funders I have never met. They have been chosen by flow fund circle holders who I trust completely.


What is a "flow fund circle holder"?

A flow fund circle holder is a person to whom I give one hundred thousand dollars so that they can choose visionaries through whom the money can flow. All FFC holders have been flow funders in my circle for three years. Their willingness to serve as FFC holders allows my trust and delight in the innate generosity of people to extend yet further and in yet more amazing ways.


Can I apply to be a flow funder or receive flow funds?

One of the most important creative innovations of the FFC is the fact that I and the flow funders are freed from being approached for funding. Nobody applies to be a flow funder.  And nobody knows who the flow funders are and therefore nobody approaches flow funders for money. This allows me and the flow funders to listen to our hearts and be spontaneous in our choices without any pressure.


How can I become a "flow fund initiator" and start my own flow fund?

Being a flow fund initiator is an easy first step in developing more creativity and community through your philanthropy. Start asking your friends what they would do if they had $20,000 to give away and watch the lights turn on. If you decide to give somebody money to give away you will be amazed by the joy this can give you. I call this a double joy: joy because of the new philanthropist's happiness and joy because projects and people will be funded that you could never have imagined or connected with!


What is the purpose of this web site?

The purpose of this web site is to celebrate past flow funders, educate new flow funders about the history and outreach of the FFC, and inspire traditional funders to find new ways to extend generosity that feels free, imaginative, healing, and effective. It is a joy for me to share with you something beautiful and meaningful in my life.


Do "flow funders" receive a salary?

No. Flow funding is not a job but rather an opportunity to practice generosity in the world.


What kind of projects receive flow funds?

One of the beauties of flow funding is that the projects that receive funding reflect the unique spirit of each flow funder. If you check out in this web site the section called Where Did Money Flow?, you will see in the database the wide range of people and projects through out the world that have received flow funds. This has for twenty years been a source of joy for me.  I started The Flow Fund Circle with the recognition that diversification of funders would enable diversification of funding which I believe is so very much needed in our world in transition.


How is flow funding different from "regranting"?

In regranting a donor gives her money to an organization whose mission will be to give the donor's money away in the area that the donor feels to be important. In flow funding, a donor chooses a visionary as a volunteer to give funds wherever their heart dictates. The visionary flow funder agrees to follow the general Flow Fund Circle guide lines and is asked to get clear about their own funding guide lines.


Can FFC members use FFC funds to support their projects, their family, or pay for their travel expenses?

FFC funds are to be spontaneously given away  beyond the close circle of the flow funder's life. The emphasis is on trusting the integrity of syncronicities and needs presented during the year that each funder recognizes as meaningful and worthy of receiving funds.


What is the average size gift made by a flow funder?

The average gift ranges between $250 and $2,500. Flow funders are encouraged not to give a gift over $5000.