Who are the Flow Funders?

Flow funders come from many walks of life.  Some of the diverse paths taken by the Flow Funder Circle members include:

Agroecologist, Artist, Biodiversity activist, Biologist, Citizen diplomat, Clean water activist, Doctor, Ecologist, Educational innovator, Engineer, Environmental justice activist, Media activist, Farmer, Father, Gardener, Grandfather, Grandmother, Healing arts therapist, Midwife, Monk, Mother, Nun, Peacebuilder, Priest, Prison reform activist, Psychotherapist, Sustainable energy activist, Shaman, Spiritual guide, Spiritual seeker, Student, Teacher, Writer, Youth advocate


Members of The Flow Fund Circle

Many members of the Flow Fund Circle are not listed below because they are currently flow funding and anonymity is valued. Click on the Flow Funder's name in the list below for their individual story, or read them all.

Adelaide Boyd, USA

Aigul, Kazakhstan
I make my decisions both with my mind and heart…

Allan, USA

Anja and Alejandro, Mexico
How hard can it be to give away money?...

Angie, USA
I'm most interested in what seed could be planted and how it will grow over time...

Balzhan, Kazakhstan
The Flow Fund supported impoverished women by providing textbooks and clothes that are needed to be able to attend school and complete a high school education…

Bayan, Kazakhstan
People expressed feelings of optimism for the future as they started to believe that they had the skills necessary to have their voices heard and achieve justice for themselves…

Beth Ames Swartz, USA
The Flow Fund's support allowed me to dream bigger dreams, to make dreams reality…

Chimene, USA

Charles, USA

Claire Reininger, USA

David, USA
I remember how delighted I was when one of my first grantees accepted a Nobel Prize many years later…

David, Netherlands

The children were so involved and proud of their knitting and it was so sad to hear that they had to destroy the things they knitted in order to reuse the yarn…

Edmundo, Brazil
Every situation when I thought of giving something, I would be overwhelmed by the questions, the analysis, the considerations about giving or not giving the money, and it paralyzed me... 

Elias and Elizabeth, USA

Enid Schreibman and Fran Macy, USA
It takes a great deal of time and thought to send money into poor communities. It has to been done very thoughtfully so that people do not feel hurt, angry, neglected or jealous…

F.S. Shine, USA

Fran, USA
This was a lot of fun! When I saw things that needed doing, I could help get them done…

Grandmother, many countries

Gulmira, Kazakhstan
With this machine it will be possible to duplicate printed informational leaflets about diabetes for the villagers in the hopes of prevention and amelioration of the disease…

Harriet Moss, USA

Helen, USA

Helena, England
We believe in trying to reach the grassroots level where we can strengthen positive roots of change based on wisdom and compassion...

Ida, Netherlands

Joan, USA
As someone who's been involved in teaching and caregiving for those with life-threatening illnesses, I'm always interested in the way compassion breaks down the boundaries between self and other...

John, USA

Jude and Michel Fanton, Australia
I learned about gifts from my father who was a deportee in Dachau. He shared clothes, one blanket, a bowl of soup, and stories to survive…

Justine and Michael Toms, USA
We know that the consciousness of the giver is just as important as the money given.  When it is given with love and respect it can then be received with the many blessings that go with it...

Kaela, USA
Just as I have been blessed by the generosity of others, I now could provide support to individuals and organizations at a time that truly made a difference…

Kalima, Kazakhstan
There is only one challenge, choosing who to help

Lee, USA
The wonderful assumption the Flow Fund makes is that instead of forcing people to spend weeks and months writing grants, you're preserving their ‘good work’ time…

Leslie Gray, USA

Lilian, Netherlands
It takes a lot of nerve and energy to be different, to sing a different song, to look for an alternative. So I choose to put some money toward people and projects who promote non-violence…

Ludmilla, Kazakhstan
This is a community that takes care of each other…           

Makhmut, Kazakhstan
I want to develop philanthropy in our region…

Marine and Margot, USA

Mayumi, USA
It felt to me that we were working on separate projects, but we were of the same blood, working together in a kind of sisterhood...

Mira, Kazakhstan
The gift that we’re giving to people will awaken feelings of love and kindness in them…

Natalya, Kazakhstan
We will try to give people the warmth you gave us…

Nilzia, Kazakhstan
It was hard choosing people to give presents to, because I also had to teach them their rights as citizens and laws of our country, in order for them to succeed…

Nutt, Thailand
Pondering the Flow Fund’s key values has allowed mutual learning, respect, and friendship between me and the people I have funded…

Dr. Ogarit and Dr. Walid, Lebanon

Pairin, Thailand
I was inspired by knowing the people I gave the grants to…They are people who bring hope to situations that are difficult, or seem like there are no way to change them… 

Pracha and Jane, Thailand

Rachel, USA
It's as if someone gave you a supply of water, and suddenly you can see the growing plants that need that water for the first time...

Rachel Bagby, USA
Being a member of the Circle offers me a simultaneously supportive and liberating community with which to grow wise in the ways of giving…

Ray, USA

Richard, Ireland

Sakan, Kazakhstan
A former drug addict gave $100 donation to the Freedom Public Fund…

Sobonfu Some, USA
I learned a new level of trust, patience and devotion because you cannot always predict the outcome of a particular gift...

Sonia, Brazil
The Flow Fund transcends barriers and transforms issues, so that we may be ‘healed’ of those ancestral flaws in our relationship with money…

Sonja, USA

Sonya, Kazakhstan

Sukie Miller, USA
This was foot-to-the-floor philanthropy and it was glorious!

Tamara, Kazakhstan
While working on this project we met so many people who were ready to help us without asking any money or favors...
Veronika, Germany

Vijali, USA
I would ask everyone I met three questions: "What is our essence? What is our problem? What can heal us?...

Vijaya, USA
I found that being part of this process helps all of us take risks…

Vladimir, Kazakhstan
We didn’t expect that our dream would be realized so soon…

Water Keeper, USA

Wayne, USA

Yoji, Japan

+ over 60 anonymous Flow Funders in Brazil, Gabon, Mexico, Nepal, Nicaragua, USA, Arctic Circle, and Southeast Asia.


Next > Where has the money flowed?